Toggle invincibility |
<cheat> mpcanthurtme |
All weapons and ammo |
<cheat> mpschuckit |
Infinite ammunition |
<cheat> mpbunker |
Full armor |
<cheat> mpsmithy |
Full ammunition |
<cheat> mpkohler |
Full ammunition |
<cheat> mpstockpile |
Set health to indicated number |
<cheat> mpdoctordoctor [number] |
Teleport to level start with default
conditions |
<cheat> mpbeamme |
Toggle no clipping |
<cheat> mpsixthsense |
Toggle third person view |
<cheat> mpicu |
Toggle speed display |
<cheat> mptachometer |
Toggle size display |
<cheat> mpsizeme |
Toggle rotation display |
<cheat> mpgrs |
Show position info on/off |
<cheat> mpgps |
Use keys to edit FOV value |
<cheat> mpfov |
Use keys to edit vertext tint |
<cheat> mpvertextint |
Use keys to edit light amplification |
<cheat> mplightadd |
Use keys to edit light scale |
<cheat> mplightscale |
Use keys to edit weapon breach |
<cheat> mpbreach |
Use keys to edit weapon offset 1 |
<cheat> mpwmpos |
Use keys to edit weapon offset 2 |
<cheat> mpwpos |
Marines have slurred voice |
<cheat> mpmillertime |
Change into indicated character type |
<cheat> mpmorph [character type] |
Level select for all three species |
<cheat> mpxfiles |
Unknown |
<cheat> mpreloadbutes |
Unknown |
<cheat> mptriggers |
Unknown |
<cheat> mpmph |
Unknown |
<cheat> mpconfig |
Unknown |
<cheat> mpdeathtoall |